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Publié par Jean-Guy Lecat


                             Copies of messages following workshops 


…………….I have heard nothing but good comments from my USITT colleagues.  Your interaction with the young people of the USITT Conference was nothing short of phenomenal - events they will not soon forget.  You are a superb artist - an expressive and caring teacher - a good man.  Thank you for all of your hard work, thoughtful teaching, and gracious demeanor.  I hope we can do it again.   Best wishes for my OISTAT colleagues.  Leon


It is with great pleasure I write with reference to your latest workshop: “All simplicity is very sophisticated” given during the fourth edition of the Festival International de Buenos Aires. Throughout the three last editions, your presence has allowed young Argentine artists to conduct a very enlightening idea of the conception of the space and it’s possibilities. Your workshops and your book : “Al encuentro de Buenos Aires”  presented during the third edition, have brought your art and your working process close to them. These artists and ourselves are most grateful for this enriching opportunity for profesional improvement. In the light of the foregoing, I would like to reiterate my appreciation for the work you have developed in Buenos Aires and for your generosity as an artist and human-being.     

GRACIELA CASABE director. 2003


In your last workshop in Spoleto… I thought the paper worked well. It was fun to see how the directors “solved the problem” of creating space using this simple material. Congratulation!

“Everyone here enjoyed the workshop very much, and we all appreciated your comments on our

projects for the Arena Stage and the Shakespeare Theatre D C. Ako and I hope to see you soon,somewhere”.      Joshua Dachs    Fisher Dachs Associates - Theatre Planning and Design 2/06/03


Jean-Guy, Encore Merci pour ce beau moment de réflexion et de questionnement. J'ai l'impression qu'ils n'ont pas eu souvent la chance d'entendre ce genre de ''discours'' dans cette école de théâtre ma fois assez conservatrice et avec peu d’ouverture sur le monde !!!   (C’est mon point de vue, mais bon ...). D'après les premiers commentaires que j'ai eus cet après-midi, vous avez touché votre auditoire à la bonne place et plusieurs personnes ont vraiment été très impressionnées par vos propos. (Guru, vat !) Bonne soirée et couvrez-vous.  E. Olivier Lacroix


……Why would I ask one of the most sensitive set designers in the world, if not the most, -you- to come and advise me if I was not going to have any respect about it?……..

I don’t know all the people in the workshop you’ve given, but I can tell my opinion on the ones I know, (..) my set designer and (..) my assistant. You have made a great impact on their minds. I have the impression that after your staying in Bs. As. we have a different kind of dialogue. In few words we acquired a kind of code. But the most important thing is that we got to value group work more……  M…  BUENOS AIRES 2003


Bonjour homme de théâtre,  Montréal, -18 degrés, petite neige, lumière magnifique et une petite pensée pour vous et votre passage dans notre belle ville aux cent clochers ! Merci encore, vous nous avez inspiré et nous avons décidé de faire des visites similaires avec les élèves de l'école Nationale de théâtre lors de la prochaine session avec les scénographes. Danièle Lévesque directrice de l'école pour la section scéno, a été emballée par le compte rendu du séminaire et on va faire cheminer le dossier... Donc les idées sont plantées et maintenant il faut arroser et faire grandir !!!

               De plus, suite à nos rencontres, j'ai continué à développer sur le sujet avec une des participantes et ça fait   
               maintenant plus de deux mois que nous partageons, ... merci Jean-Guy ! 
Intégration Technologique &


………It's wonderful to hear from you. I am doing quite well. No, we won't be going to Salzburg this year. However, we will be going back next January. (We do a residency there every other year). If you would be interested in visiting with us next January, we'd love to have you. Last year was very successful and we hope to continue to grow and expand the scope of the seminar. With warmest regards. Michael Heil


Cher Jean-Guy, Salut de la parte de new York ? Je voudrais m’excuse de ne pas t’avoir écrit avant pour te remercier d’avoir fait le stage. Je trouve que le stage m’a beaucoup aide, et a aussi beaucoup changer comme je traite et je regarde l’espace. C’est drole comme les expériences les plus court peuve etre les plus intense. Je viens de commencer un travail sur « Osud » de Janacek……..Ian Belton   New York Juin 2003


Dear jean-Guy,  I really enjoyed your workshop, unfortunately I was in L.A. for the last two sessions so couldn’t thank you personally. It is amazing how close your views on Theatre Architecture are to ours; of course turning that into Architecture with an Architect is a major challenge and is the core of our work. BRIAN HALL THEATRE PROJECT-SOUTH NORWALK 13 – 11 – 2001;


Hello Jean-Guy,  Nice to hear from you. Emily Pulitzer, my grandmother, had a building built by Tadao Ando in Saint Louis. I’m sure she would be delighted to meet you both. I told her about meeting you both in Italy and she was intrigued by the insights I passed along that you shared with us in Spoleto and beyond. I think your contribution to the conference was very strong and I hope you continue with lectures and discussions. Yours views are very important to share. ………….Regards ELKHANAH PULITZER SAN FRANCISCO 5 FEBRUARY 2002


Thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope we’ll be in touch with you in future………a very interesting experience and with Romina we are using your teaching about the space all the time (she learned a lot about it!!)warm regards.

Magda Banach, Buenos aires 9 october 2001


Jean-Guy, Ce petit mail matinal pour vous dire encore une fois un gros merci pour l’espace de réflexion que vous avez ouvert à bien du monde pendant ces quelques jours parmi nous à Montréal. Pour ma part et dans ma quête d’une meilleure compréhension de l’espace je pense que vous allez être un jalon important et que mon approche va être influencée par la vision que vous nous avez présentée. (si, si). J’ai appris que vous avez bu un verre avec Annick hier soir et elle a été emballée de pouvoir partager avec vous sur son sujet de prédilection. Voilà, je pense que la venue de personnes comme vous fait du bien, le Québec étant ma foi fort petit et se réduit de plus en plus à Montréal…Le discours est donc souvent très pauvre et se réduit trop souvent à des arguments économiques. Ne prenez pas trop vite votre retraite, vous avez encore pas mal de monde à faire réfléchir d’ici là………Eric ;  MONTRÉAL 17 OCTOBRE 2002


Dear Peter Brook, All of us here at the Israel Festival would like to convey our warm thanks and appreciation to you for participating in this year’s Festival. A special thanks to you Jean-Guy for the short, but enriching lecture you gave, and to you peter for the incentive in bringing together the Israeli and Palestinian directors. Your presence held a charismatic charm and your personal attention was warmly felt all around. Yours sincerely,



Dear Jean-Guy, I cannot thank you enough for coming to Italy this summer and teaching the directors at the La MaMa Umbria International Symposium for Directors. You were inspiring to the students and they learned you many things that no one else could teach them. Your presence made the Symposium a richer experience for all of us. On behalf of Ellen Stewart and my self, thank you again for your generous participation. With fondest regards,



Dear Jean-Guy, We would like, once again, to thank you for the great experience of the six days we spent together in Lisbon. Hoping to see you coming back to Lisbon soon, best regards PEDRO DIAS-BERRIO, TIAGO JORGE LISBON 2001


Dear Jean-Guy, Last year’s group enjoyed your workshops very much. You were, I think the most popular teacher. They particularly enjoyed visiting the theatres in Spoleto and discussing them. Healthy New Year. LA MaMa DECEMBER 2000.


It was really very good to meet you in WSD 2005 in Toronto and to hear you in the OISTAT congress.Your keynote was absolutely interesting and full.Many points you raised are really essential and I was very pleased I was there. Andy Bargilly


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