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Publié par studiojglecat

The set for this production has a difficult birth. This director belongs to that kind of director who is not a visionary person, so everything changes constantly.

Manuel Iborra who is not a very well none film maker adapt a film he did 20 years ago for one of the Teatro Español stage, The MATADERO in Madrid.

When I meet him one year ago the first text has 45 scenes. I suggest him that in theatre it might be difficult to have that kind of sequences, each scene will be very short and if we have 44 different spaces or scenery just the time for the change will be at least 30minutes.

He cut the text have to 35 scenes but add immediately 33A, B, C for finally have 39 scenes.

The story needs one main stage where the orchestra plays. In Alexandria, Amman and finally on boat back to Valencia. We also need 5 different hotel rooms in 3 different hotels, and toilettes, cafeterias, 4 hotel lobbies, 2 different boats salon, street etc…

I suggest 3 different sets and finally have one who has 4 different spaces.

The theatre stage is in center where the curtains, legs and borders are in very interesting fabric from PERONI who take very well all colors. So we can have any atmosphere we want, the stage blue, red etc….This stage can be closed by screen for projections.

One each side of this stage there are two spaces that can be closed by a screen and a black curtains.

In front of that there is an old blue floor 5 meter deep to play most of the scenes who are suppose to be outside, deck of the boat, bank of the harbor, street, etc..

Time to time because there is not a good preparation of the story board and less and less money most of the scene will be play in font and less inside of the small stages.

But there is more projections to tell where we are (director is a film maker!)


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